“Clear Sky”
Canada / Utah Premiere
Directed by Shawn Clearsky Davis and Michael Del Monte
“DJ Ahmet”
North Macedonia
Directed by Georgi M. Unkovski
“Life’s a Bitch”
Belgium / Utah Premiere
Directed by Xavier Seron
“Living in the Last Days”
USA / World Premiere
Directed by Sterling Andrews
USA / Utah Premiere
Directed by Caden Butera
“Standout: The Ben Kjar Story”
USA / Utah Premiere
Directed by Tanner Christensen
“The Cigarette Surfboard”
USA / Utah Premiere
Directed by Ben Judkins
“The Pantone Guy”
USA / Utah Premiere
Directed by Patrick Creadon
“Time Travel is Dangerous”
UK / Utah Premiere
Directed by Chris Reading
USA / Utah Premiere
Directed by Matt Heder
"Beaupré The Giant"
Canada / Utah Premiere
Directed by Alain Fournier
“Bottle George”
Japan / Utah Premiere
Directed by Daisuke “Dice” Tsutsumi
“Burning Away”
Canada / Utah Premiere
Directed by Romane Lepage
USA / Utah Premiere
Directed by Sam Das
“Death & Cookies”
USA / Utah Premiere
Directed by Aaron Tharp and Andy Matthews
Canada / Utah Premiere
Directed by Marc-Antoine Lemire
“Franky Loses It”
USA / Utah Premiere
Directed by Dalton Call
Directed by Tyler Boren and Garrett Elton
USA / Utah Premiere
Directed by Sarah Sellman
Directed by Elias Gold
USA / Utah Premiere
Directed by Paris Baillie
“In the Window”
USA / World Premiere
Directed by Joe Samaniego
“It Came From Inside!”
Directed by Jackson Rees and Aura Martinez Sandoval
“Lone Mountain”
Directed by Tanner Browning
“Losing Your Home”
Canada / Utah Premiere
Directed Emmanuel Rioux
“Mall Hot Dog”
Directed by Aaron Hinton and Noah Richmond
“Margaret the Brave”
USA / Utah Premiere
Directed by Danny Chandia
“Path of the Plume”
Directed by Talon Earley
Directed by Jacob Hamblin
“Sheet Talk”
Directed by Jackson Dean Ahlander
“Somebody Cares”
Directed by Julien Lasseur
Directed by Gerardo Coello Escalante and Amandine Thomas
“Sweet Molly”
Directed by J.C. McNaughton
“Take One”
Directed by Gerald Adamson
“The Hideous Place”
Directed by Weber Griffiths
“The Angel”
Directed by Barrett Burgin
“The Destroying Angel”
Directed by Derek Romrell
“The Hard Way”
Directed by Daniel Cyr
“The Paternal Prism”
Directed by John Tinsley
“The Straw Lady”
USA / Utah Premiere
Directed by Liam Arnold
Directed by Loren Waters
“Till Death Do Us Part”
Directed by Jacob Hamblin
USA / World Premiere
Directed by Hans Glasmann
“Weirdos Wanted”
USA / World Premiere
Directed byShane Ivry Stewart
“When It Hits”
USA / Utah Premiere
Directed by Veronica Mitsuk
“American Money”
Written by Timothy A. McGhee
“Cafe Lavender”
Written by Luke Avery
“Kid Rocks”
Written by Peter Herlan
Written by Peter Herlan
“Mega Raiders and the Enmity at Zolvar, the Prison Planet!”
Written by Nicholas Nuttall
“Mercury Days”
Written by Michael Carty
“My American Family”
Written by Delrey Pearson
Written by Martin Richmond
“Reindeer in the Moonlight”
Written by Luke Avery
Written by Paul Amstone
Written by Zeki Turgut Gezgez
“The Union”
Written by Heidi McDonald
“Turns Out”
Written Natalie Lynch and Tara Jayn
“Waiting For You”
Written by Zachary Blaine Maxfield
“Eye For an Eye”
Written by Ashley Bowers
“Fireflies or C.S.H.C.?”
Written by Martin Richmond
“Gangs ‘n’ Gnomes”
Written by Spencer White
“The Night I Proposed”
Written by Robert Salisbury
Written by Jason Lor
Written by Ben Vasion
“Six-Shooters and Sorcerers”
Written by Robert Salisbury
“Too Soon”
Written by Avril David
Screenplay finalists will be announced in late March with the winners being revealed shortly thereafter.